[NOTE: Due to rapid, as well as strong, applicant demand the Childcare Grant program is over-subscribed. Therefore, the program is currently not accepting any applications. For additional information, please contact your WECA / WESSN representative.]
Before starting your Rock County Chidcare Grant application, please begin by Creating an Account - which will enable you to start-and-stop and then re-save your application (as many times as necessary) until you're ready to formally submit it. Since there are several required documents that must be uploaded as part of your application, you are strongly encouraged to use a desktop, laptop or tablet versus a cellular device. These documents include the following: a copy of your most recent federal tax return or 990; a copy of your organization's (signed and dated) W-9 form; a copy of your current DCF license; copies of your most recent DCF Child Care Enrollment forms; and a completed Rock County Childcare Grant Program Project Request form. Although not required, you are welcome to provide additional or supplemental documentation that helps support your grant request.
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